ZLD series appliances have an option to load scripts that include commands via CLI to run. With this option you can run scripts to change configurations on the fly. In addition to this, with the scheduling feature, you can create a schedule to run a script at a certain time. For this example, we will use a scenario where the ZLD appliance will run a script to reboot on a weekly basis on Sunday at 01:00 (1AM).
First, create a text file with the CLI commands to reboot the ZLD appliance.
Only the two commands "reboot" and "exit" will be needed. Save the file as "reboot.zysh" and upload it to the gateway under Maintenance() → File Manager and clicking on the Shell Script tab.
Next, access the ZLD appliance via Telnet/SSH/Console and run the following syntax:
schedule-run 1 file_name.zysh {daily | weekly | monthly} time {date | sun |mon | tue | wed | thu | fri | sat}
So for our example the commands would be:
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# schedule-run 1 reboot.zysh weekly 1:00 sun
Router(config)# write
Router(config)# exit
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