Adapter Setup
HomePlug adapters for the most part are plug and play. Once plugged into an electrical outlet they scan the electrical network for other HomePlug devices to associate with. Once associated they can begin transferring traffic back and forth. The only time advance configuration would be necessary on HomePlug devices is:
- HomePlug device has wireless capabilities
- On a shared electrical system and devices need to be encrypted (apartment building, condos, etc.)
- Installing a number of HomePlug devices into one electrical system
Aside from these special circumstances all that needs to be done is plug the adapters into the electrical circuit. More than one device is needed for initial setup (at least two for first time deployment). One adapter will need to be connected to the internet source (router) and the other HomePlug adapters to clients (computers, Internet ready TV's, Blu-Ray players, etc.).
Supported Devices
PLA4201 v2
Home Install
Installing the devices in a home network is the simplest setup. For this type of install all you need to do is plug the device(s) into power outlets and let them discover each other. One thing to keep in mind is to not plug the adapters into surge protectors. A surge protector will impact the adapters capability to transmit a signal or null the signal altogether. If is recommended that the adapter be plugged in directly to the wall outlet for best results.
Once the adapter has been powered up connect an Ethernet cable from the powerline (HomePlug) adapter to the internet source router. Connect the second (and any other HomePlug adapter) to the client device (computer, Set-top-Box, etc.) using an Ethernet cable.
The total number of powerline adapters you can connect to the electrical system depends on the model number of the adapter. The smaller powerline adapters only support half the number of devices that can be connected to a single electrical system when compared to the full size adapters.
For the smaller adapters (PLA4101, PLA4201, PLA4201 v2, PLA5205) you can have up to 8 devices per network, 4 networks max for a total of 32 powerline devices on one electrical system.
For the full size adapter (PLA4215, PLA4225, PLA4231, PLA5206, PLA5215, PLA5256, PLA5405, PLA5456) you can have up to 16 devices per network, 4 networks max for a total of 64 powerline devices on one electrical system.
Apartment Install
For scenarios with a shared electrical system such as apartment buildings it is highly recommended that the HomePlug network be encrypted. To encrypt the devices power them up and make sure something is plugged into the Ethernet port to keep the devices awake, if there is nothing connected to the Ethernet port the adapters will go into standby mode (sleep).
When the HomePlug devices are powered ON press the RESET/ENCRYPT button on the PLA adapter and hold down for 0.5 to 3 seconds to begin the encrypting process, the process takes about 2 minutes to complete. During this time the POWER light will blink, this means the device is in ENCRYPT mode. Press the RESET/ENCRYPT button on the other powerline device within the 2 minute period to start that devices ENCRYPT mode. Once both devices are in ENCRYPT mode they will find each other and secure the connection between them. Once the ENCRYPT process in finalized the POWER light will return to normal (solid light).
To add additional powerline devices to an encrypted network, press the RESET/ENCRYPT button on one of the encrypted devices (doesn't matter which adapter) then press the RESET/ENCRYPT button on the new adapter being added to the network.
Creating Multiple Networks
Multiple networks can be created in one electrical system by changing the network name of the PLA devices. This is something you would do if you are reaching the cap on the number of physical adapters you can have per network (16 for full size and 8 for small/lite), or, if you want the devices in the home office for instance to be separate from the rest of the house (there are limitations for this setup, mainly support for multiple networks on the router/gateway). To setup the adapters on a different network do the following:
- Take pictures of the labels or write down the MAC address and DEK/DAK for each adapter
- Connect all the devices that will be part of the network to power
- Open the "Zyxel PLA Series Configuration" tool on your computer (install the software utility if you haven't done so yet. Windows 10 would require 100% scaling to display the utility properly.)
- Select the correct network card (if computer has multiple NIC cards installed) and click the "Refresh" button to have the utility scan for other HomePlug devices on the electrical network
- Across the top of the utility window click on the "Configuration" menu option
- From the Configuration menu:
- Select the "Remote" adapter
- Click the "Scan" button if remote devices are not listed
- Type in the DEK/DAK key found on the adapter's label (in rear panel)
- Click "Save" to apply the DEK/DAK (this will give the utility access to change settings on the adapter)
- Provide a new "Network Name (NMK)"
- Click "Write" to apply the new network name on the adapter
- Repeat the process for all other devices, the local device should be the last device to change the network name on (changing the local device network name before the remote devices will end communication with all other devices on the electrical network)
- Once you have successfully entered the info you will receive a "Set Successful" pop-up window.
Resetting Adapters
To reset an adapter to factory settings do the following:
- Depending on the adapter model there may be a dual personality button RESET/ENCRYPT or two separate buttons, one reset and one encrypt
- If your adapter has a dual personality button (RESET/ENCRYPT), press the button and hold it down for 10-15 seconds, this will wipe out all configuration from the adapter
- If your adapter has a standalone RESET button, press the button and hold it down for 1-3 seconds, this will wipe out all configuration from the adapter.
Devices are not synching (HomePlug light will not turn ON)
- Plug both adapters into the same electrical outlet (if possible), this will rule out wiring issues on the electrical system
- Make sure the adapter has an active Ethernet session (Ethernet light must be ON), otherwise device may enter standby mode
- Make sure the power light is ON
- Unplug the adapter(s) from power outlet, wait about 20-30 seconds and plug back in
- If encryption was enabled and a new adapter is being added please refer to "Apartment Install" section for instructions on adding additional adapters to an encrypted network
- Reset the adapter to factory default (Resetting Adapters)
- Contact Zyxel Technical support for additional support. Support is available Monday through Friday from 8AM to 5PM PT @ 800-255-4101 option 5. You can also get email support by completing the "Support Request Form" here.
Transfer speeds are slow, not getting the full speed advertised
- Advertised speed defines the physical connection between the powerline adapters, actual throughput speeds may vary depending on computer resources, application/program used, as well as other variables
- How was the test performed (iPerf,, etc.)
- If test was performed with an online test server, the ISP may be the bottleneck
- In a HomePlug environment any electrical noise created by appliances will have an impact on the throughput performance, devices that consume more power (refrigerator, washing machine, etc.) will create more noise on the electrical lines (using a PLX111 will help reduce/filter the about of electrical noise going into the power lines)
- Contact Zyxel Technical support for additional support. Support is available Monday through Friday from 8AM to 5PM PT @ 800-255-4101 option 5. You can also get email support by completing the "Support Request Form" here.
HomePlug Adapter will not power up
- Unplug the adapter from the electrical outlet, wait 20-30 and plug it back in
- Make sure there is a device connected to the Ethernet, adapter will go into standby mode if there is no Ethernet link established
- Plug in a different device/appliance into the electrical socket to verify that it is supplying electricity/power
- Contact Zyxel Technical support for additional support. Support is available Monday through Friday from 8AM to 5PM PT @ 800-255-4101 option 5. You can also get email support by completing the "Support Request Form" here.
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